Project Title | Sustainability and social responsibility competences to ease vet students’ work insertion | ||
Acronym | SUSTAIN VET | ||
Field | ERASMUS PLUS Strategic Partnerships for vocational education | ||
Project number | 2019-1-RO01-KA202-063040 | ||
Start | 01/10/2019 | End | 30/09/2021 |
Financed by | Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale (ANPCDEFP) | ||
Official website | | ||
Facebook page | | ||
Coordinator | Liceul Tehnologic Dimitrie Leonida Iasi | ||
Partners | ONAGEB.SPAIN.S.L | ||
Associazione PROGETTO MARCONI | |||
IMOTEC | |||
As stated by the Europe 2020 Strategy, highly skilled individuals with critical mind-sets are needed to create the businesses of the future and more generally, to help business and the public sector to innovate their processes and systems to accomplish with the high standard set by European and National Governments. In order to facilitate students’ transition from full-time education to the labour market, contents and learning approach have to accompany individuals in challenging their thinking, practices and routines, so to evoke mindful thoughts about new sustainable ways of improving organizations / networks / society from within. The SUSTAIN project aims at fostering employability skills, personal development and transition to adulthood of VET student and young unemployed people about to enter the labour market, helping them in acquiring knowledge and competences needed for their active contribution in creating sustainable and responsible organizations. The project will accompany participants in analysing different aspects and situations related to sustainable and socially responsible organization, ethical behaviours, social equity and sustainable management of resources thus building up the necessary skills and competences to be a suitable and reasonable employee.
The 6 partners will:
- Accompany participants in analysing different aspects and situations related to sustainable and socially responsible organization, ethical behaviours, social equity and sustainable management of resources thus building up the necessary skills and competences to be a suitable and reasonable employee.
- Offer learners a better prospective on how sustainable and ethical organizations operate, to learn how to behave in a work environment and be better prepared for their internship or work insertion.
- Provide with easy methodologies to understand information on organizational awareness through allowing students to understanding different aspects of the organisation including workings, structure, and culture of the organization, as well as organization competences (basics attitudes and competences necessary to be an active part of an organization) contained in the eLearning of the project.
- Provide useful guidelines on diverse teaching / learning strategies which will allow also trainers to generate tasks and activities in which all learners have possibilities of participation, simultaneously which will encourage the cohesion of the group as well as foster collaborative learning paths
The partnership undertakes to produce the following results, based on research and analysis activities conducted in each countries partners:
- E-learning materials and tools for self-study shaped around ISO260007 core subject
- Assessment toolkit and baseline composed by questionnaires for students’ self-evaluation during the online part, individual or group evaluation conducted by teachers during the class activities. The toolkit is completed with a base line for assessment, check lists for observation to analyse transversal skills development and mastery, hot to support them and how to deliver feedbacks to participants to maximize the impact of the training
- Teachers’ guidelines and instruction on how to organize the thematic workshops aimed at stimulating different departments in a company and lets students experiment real work situations
- Platform used to support the learning process, class activities, containing the e-learning materials and assessment tools.